Hannah & Mitch




Huge, epic views and grand adventures are certainly a draw of engagement sessions in national parks. There’s no denying that watching the sun cast a red glow on the Grand Tetons or looking up at the towering walls of St. Elena Canyon are incredible moments to share. For me though, one of the coolest parts of adventure portrait sessions and destination engagement sessions is not just the views or epic-ness of the adventure at hand — it’s the connection fostered by outdoor experiences.

The conversations that happen on roadtrips while dealing with situations like getting lost or having to trust intuition or your partner’s intuition are hard to manufacture in the “frontcountry.” Distractions of the day-to-day are removed and you’re left with one another’s company—and long hours in the car to kill. This intentional time with one another (and time spent outside) is one of the main reasons why I encourage couples to do destination engagement sessions.

Hannah and Mitch road tripped up from Austin, Texas to meet me in the Ozarks for their autumn engagement session and the stories they shared from their hours in the car together, the late-night hooshburger we shared at a road-side gas station diner (The Pig Trail Bypass Country Cafe), and the moment we got lost in the woods together are all testaments to how sweet that connection is. By the end of the evening it felt like hanging out with close friends.

Here are a few of my favorite moments from our time together —


Let’s document your love and craft your next best adventure, together. GET IN TOUCH.